The Marinellos

Monday, September 20, 2010


Today I had a doctors appointment (28 weeks 6 days) and everything was fine. The baby is for sure head up and Dr. Seymann had be put my hands on my belly on each side of her head and he shook her head between my hands, that was one of the weirdest things I have every felt it was crazy. Seth took a long time before he went head down and as of right now we have some time. I have had a few days where I have had some contractions and Dr. Seymann said that I have to call in if I have 5 or more cramps in an hour and at the next appointment he should start doing the FFN's. I passed my glucose test which was nice to know and I had no harmful antigen in my blood so that concludes a few things for me but I wont go into that right now. So I will start going back every 2 weeks which is nice...I am getting closer.

So last week we went to Palm Springs FINALLY and had such a great time. I love having nothing to do especially NO doctor appointments and just spending the whole day at the pool. We went out to dinner a few nights, out for ice-cream at this yummy Hawaiian place, a night at the Street Fair, it was an eventful week and yet not so much. We all had so much fun swimming and of course Sydney wanted to swim all day and I mean ALL day. Seth loved being in the water, I think that was the only time he was really happy on the whole vacation. He had a horrible first night...I mean horrible, I don't think he has had a night that bad since he was a wee little guy. He had so many seizures and he just cried everytime he had one. So Sunday I called Phoenix Children's Hospital to talk to his neurologist and ask what we should do. It was a different doc on call so we were told to up his dose for the next 24 hours and get a hold of Dr. Bernes on Monday. So thats what we ended up doing and we have a new med for him which we had a few problems getting it so his first dose was Friday night and I would have to say that I have seen an improvement but they have not totally stopped. I thought Sunday night was gonna be the only rough night but man was I wrong. I thought for a few days that it was just because we were out of town and he was not in his own bed but by Thursday I figured that something was wrong because seriously the only time he was happy was when he was in the pool. Friday night was our last night and we decided to go out for dinner and that is when Seth decided to start his fit. After we got back to our room I figured we just needed to get him to bed and he would be fine. At about 11pm he decided to cry and cry and cry and he did that for about 3 hours and finally I just put him in the living room because I did not know what to do with him...then after 30 minutes I felt bad and went out to him and gave him some tylenol and  camped out on the pull out couch with him and finally he fell asleep. Saturday morning we spent the morning packing up everything and cleaning up and we headed out at about 9:45am and got home about 1:15pm. Sydney did great on the drive home but again Seth was a different story.

So after we got home and unpacked I tried to relax a little bit before Twilight opened because I needed to take him to the doc but I did not want to go to an urgent care. We got to Twilight at about 6:30 and by 7:45pm we were still not in a room. Seth was getting a little annoyed and so was I but I did not want to go anywhere else and I did not want to go home because I felt something was buggin him. By 8 we finally got seen and I mentioned that maybe it was an ear infection because of how much we were at the pool and of course his ears were perfect. So she looked in his mouth and did a swab on his throat because it was a little red and of course the test for strep was negative. So with Seths history we also had to check for a UTI which of course I knew that they needed to do but so did not want it done for his sake. And guess what showed up + for UTI. So after all of that I got home close to 10pm and was beyond tired and so was Seth and he went right to bed and slept through the whole night which he did not do the whole time we were on vacation.

Here are some pictures from our fun vacation.

Getting ready to go hang at the pool

Syd playing with a ball

Not a happy camper

Sydney swimming on dads back

Seth sleeping on daddy

He was so tired he slept for about an hour at the pool

Sweet Ezra

Syd had so much fun with her dad

Lisa teaching Ezra to dance

My little fish

Dad with his muffin

So Sydney would only go on the slide with an adult and finally we convinced her to go down with Lorelai and this is what we saw...Sydney would not let go of Lorelai. I am so glad Lorelai was such a trooper and let Sydney hold on to her for dear life.

Lorelai going down the slide by herself...she LOVED it. (sorry the picture is blurry)

Topher all by took him a few days but he finally did it!

Sydney going down on the last day with daddy

Having a melt down. What would a day be without a melt down?

So Matt was spending some time with Seth on the last day and the slide was closed for about 10 min so we was going over to the slide and just putting Seth on it to feel the running water. Seth was laughing so hard so and when Matt picked him up his shorts were completely down to his was too funny. After I knew that he loved the running water we decided that he needed to go down the slide so Mike agreed to take him down and that boy thought it was the best thing ever. He had the biggest smile on his face. 
He was so happy

I love this one

We should have been taking him down the slide the whole week.

And now he is ready for a nap.

So even thought Seth was not too happy the whole trip we had a great time and we love going to Palm Springs and just hanging out. Last year when we went to PS our lives were a little bit of a wreck. We had just gone through two of the biggest trials losing John and then the whole NICU with Seth and him being positive for cCMV. So needless to say last year we were in a little bit of a daze. This year by Gods grace we were doing a lot better. Also last year Lisa and I spent a lot of time at the pool during the kiddos naps but this year we did not do that once and honestly with both of us pregnant and so very tired I do not think we would have made it down at the pool. We had a great time and Thanks so much MacCallums for inviting us with you guys again!

1 comment:

  1. I CANT WAIT FOR NEXT YEAR! I vow to not be pregnant or nursing. I vow to have a Tropical Implication at the pool at least once! I vow to be in shape so I dont have to spend the week worrying about how fat I am! It was fun & relaxing this year though & Im so glad you guys came with us again!!!!
