The Marinellos

Friday, June 20, 2008

Father's Day and so on...

On Sunday was Father's Day, so Sunday morning was our normal routine and then we just spent the afternoon together as a family and then in the evening I took Michael out for dinner at his favorite place which is Joe's Crab Shack. We had a great dinner and enjoyed the time together. Here is Sydney and Michael in the pool together. Sydney loves her time with daddy and I know he enjoys every minute spent with his little syd bears. So that was our Father's Day in a nut shell.
Later on this week nothing eventful happened. Monday we got a new desk and computer which was really nice, so we had to rearrange our little house to fit the desk. We moved majority of Sydney's toys into her room which meant a lot of moving stuff around in her room and then put the desk in the living room which is nice because if mike is on the computer for work it still feels like we are hanging out because we are in the same room. 
On Tuesday I spent most of the day at home with Sydney while Mike was working and ran a few errands like to the grocery store and target. 
Then on Wednesday we went to Mike's moms house for dinner and we swimming in the pool. Sydney absolutely loves the pool and would stay in there for hours if we let her. She tries so hard to swim and she loves to be thrown in the water to me or Mike. Mike's mom also has a trampoline which Sydney loves to be on so we sprayed it down with some water to cool it off and she spent her time between jumping and swimming. It was a great afternoon and evening.
Here are is picture of Sydney this week walking around the house with her baby stuff. Here favorite thing is pushing the baby in the stroller. It is so amazing the stuff that they do at such a young age. As soon as we bought her the baby stuff she was feeding the baby with a bottle, rocking it to sleep and putting the baby in the crib, giving the baby a pacifier, and pushing it in the stroller. She is so much fun to watch and see all the new things that she learns each day!

Friday, June 13, 2008

The Adventure at Babies R Us

Well my friend Dani and I decided to take a trip to Babies R Us together this morning with both of our girls. Kenzie is 14 months and Syd is 19 months. So we drive together to the store which really there are not any close by which kinda stinks when you are a mom because Babies R Us is like the ultimate baby store. Anyways we get to BRU (babies r us) and get the kiddos into carts. My child hates the shopping carts so for about 3 months now we have been letting her sit in the basket which is not the best will learn why in a few minutes. So we start shopping around and were in the pacifier section checking out the cools one that they have for little boys when I hear a thud on the ground. We both turn around and there is sydney on her back on the tile floor. I run over to her where she starts to cry. One of the BRU ladies rushes to get her an ice pack which I proceed to place it on the back of her head thinking that is where there will be a bump since I saw her on her back. I feel like such a horrible mom but I was with a good friend who made me feel not that horrible. Anyways so it takes Sydney about 20 min to calm down when I have to fill out an incident report, they ask me 5 times if I want to file a claim. I told them every time, it is my fault she fell I did not have her strapped in and so no I do not want to file a claim its my fault. (But I did get some free tylenol out of this adventure) Sydney ended up falling asleep in my arms when I noticed she did not hit the back of her head but rather the front right (when you are looking at her) and the welt is nice and big, and she will most likely have a black eye out of this! The Dr. told me to bring her to the ER if she starts not acting herself and throwing up. Neither of those have happened and she just finished eating her lunch so as of right now everything is better than her poor little face looks.

So the lesson to my story is No ONE put there kids in the basket part of the shopping cart!

Here are pictures of the accident on the day that it happened

Here you can see her bruise under her eye on the right...the knot on her head is also on the right but the picture does not show it too well.
You can see her know a little better here, by here ear it is a little swollen.
And here is just a crazy shot of my crazy kid!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Fun at the Zoo

Well Sunday we decided early in the morning that we would go to the zoo and get a family membership so we can go whenever we want! So we headed out to the zoo for a fun filled morning. We got to the zoo at about 7:30am so it was still nice out.

Here is Sydney in the car on the way to the zoo...she is a little excited to go can't you tell?
Here she is, daddy took the picture after we left the savanna! She wants a snack not her picture taken.
Michael took her into monkey island, thats his favorite thing at the zoo and he said that Sydney enjoyed it too.
This was Sydney's favorite thing to watch...the orangutan's. She could have watched them for hours if we would have let her. Here is the baby orangutan trying to swing. All together there were 4 but this was the only one doing anything.

Now here is Sydney with a grumpy face and wanting down so she can run around.

At the end of our morning Syd got to play at the splash pad that they have at the zoo. It took her a while to get use to it and then she started to have fun. Here she is trapped inside the fountain trying to get out without getting wet. She ended up running out of it and little upset. Mike and I just laughed at her and then gave her a little comfort hug.

All in all I would say that we had a great morning at the zoo and we shall do it again something. Until my next post, have a great day and rest of the week!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Bath Time at the Marinello's

Her serious wet face.

Her cute little wet face. How can you not love this kid!

Sydney wanted to throw water on her was pretty cute!

Tonight I wanted to get some pictures of Sydney in the bath since it has been so long since we have some cute bath pictures. Every day I fall more and more in love with Sydney she truly is a miracle from God. She learns something new every day it is so amazing. I keep Sydney to a pretty strict schedule. She wakes up in the morning and is sooo ready for breakfast. She eats breakfast and gets to watch her morning cartoons which is "Jacks big music show". She laughs so hard at the show and loves to dance during the music parts which are adorable. We then either play with toys, go for a walk, run errands, or go out and do something fun. I try to do something once a week that is a little different like, go to the pool, zoo, or the mesa museum for the youth. We have lunch at 11:00 sometime 11:30 (now she knows around what time lunch is so she goes right to her highchair and taps on it till I put her in it) and then she goes down for a nap at about 12pm. She normally sleeps for about 2 hours sometimes 3. We hang out for the rest of the afternoon and wait for daddy to come home. (Since we can hear daddy's car come in the driveway she runs to the window and watch him come to the door. Daddy loves being greeted by his little Syd Bears.) We eat dinner at about 5:30 and then have a bath by 7pm and bed by 7:30.
 After I put her to bed tonight and kissed that sweet little face of hers I just thought about all the little things in her life that I can take for granted. Every smile, bath, laugh, cry, kiss, tantrum, walking with her, watching her try and talk, swimming with her, and so on...I could go on for ever. I want to try and capture all of the small memories that we make together so that she can go back and read about them. Someone told me before she was born to have a journal and write in it whenever you can and give it to her when she graduates from high school. So I did that as soon as I found out that I was pregnant and I try to write in it as much as I can. Besides scrapbooks that is one of the most precious things to me. I hope that I can stick to this blog like that so she has more memories to look back on and see what a blessing she is too us and how much her daddy and I love her!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Life in general!

 Well I am kinda new at this blog thing but I am starting to get the hang of it and I really quite enjoy finding friends that have them too! So really nothing new in our little world. Mike is off to work and I am trying to put Sydney down for a nap but I think she will only be getting one today, which in the end is okay. 
 One Monday and Tuesday I took Sydney to a public pool that has a beach entry and she absolutely loved it. She would just walk around in the water and when ever she felt like it she would go under. Sometimes I would have to help her up but other times she would realize that she can stand up. I love watching all the new little adventures that she find such joy out of. While at the pool on Tuesday she learn the word sit and she says it all the time now and she knows what it means. For example we are watching my parents dog starting today and when she got up this morning he was standing by her little green chair and she looked right at him and said "dog sit!" It was the cutest thing ever. 
 I am going to get the little monster up...but more later!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Crazy Kid

I ended up putting Sydney in swimming lessons with Nicole and it did not quite turn out like I thought it would. She cried the entire time she was in the water. She normally loves the water so I was not sure what her problem was so after two days of torturing Sydney and Nicole I decided to pull her out of the lessons so that she would not end up hating the water. I have now signed her up for lessons that we both will be in the water together so we shall see how that turns out!
Lately Sydney has been playing with dolls a ton, especially at grandma's house. I never got her a doll because I am not the girly type and well I really did not care if she never had a doll but I changed my mind and decided that I would get her one. So this past Monday I went out and bought Sydney a doll and a little doll set that comes with a stroller, swing, pack in play, and a highchair. She absolutely LOVES it. Tuesday morning she played with it for 4 hours non-stop. Gotta love the little girl :)