So last week Mike went out of town on Friday for work. So because the guys were out of town Lisa and I knew that we wanted to do something. So we happened to get a resort for the week. We got there Sunday afternoon and stayed until Saturday because Mike wanted to come home early for a day before work. Lisa and I finally got into a groove of things after the first day. It was Me, Lisa, Patti (Lisa's mom) and the 6 kids. We had so much fun going to the pool, getting the kids nice and tired so they would take a nap take them back to the pool have dinner, and then put them to bed.
It was so nice to have company when Mike was out of town and an extra hand to help when I needed it with Seth. Also when the kids went to bed Lisa and I were able to hang out and relax, watch movies, and have some really good conversations. It always nice to be able to get away for a few days with your best friend and then have the husbands join us in the middle of the week for some more fun. I wish I would have brought the camera but I forgot it so when Lisa sends me some pictures I will post them.
Thanks Patti for coming and helping us out with the kids and Lisa for hanging out, making dinner, the long talks, diving in the pool for my ring, and singing :) Love ya!
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