The Marinellos

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


This Tuesday Seth had to have another hearing test. He actually will have these about every 4-6 months. Anyways he had the hearing test and had too much fluid in his ears and was not hearing at the levels that he should so we were told to come back and see the doctor. When making the appointment they either had a slot available that afternoon or in about 3 weeks. I have realized when you see specialists that there normally is a 2-4 week wait to get in so I actually decided to come back. The doc took a look into his ears and said he needs to get tubes in them. So now we have to get ready for surgery @2. He will get tubes put in his ears March 23rd and while they are already putting him under they actually decided to do a hearing test on him because he needs to be asleep for this kind of test.

Tomorrow morning we have a hematologist appointment to get blood work done. I pray that everything is great and the doctor can sign off again. He did the last time but we needed to see him again this time because his spleen was enlarged again and they want to check his platelet counts and some other things.

The First 6 months of Seth's life were pretty insane. Trying to get a handle on things has been hard for me and it seems like just when I think it might slow down a little bit I get told its not. Seth is just at an age right now where things should be happening developmentally and when they are not more appointments have to come up and that is where we are at right now. So in the meantime I just keep waiting and doing what I need to do for my little boy. As much as I sometimes want to not do the things that need to be done because I am tired, I just remember that Seth needs these things and I need to get up and push through the frustrations, the emotions, and of course being TIRED! But with my husband, my daughter, and friends (LM) I will continue to push through the hard stuff.

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