The Marinellos

Friday, June 19, 2009

38 Weeks and 6 days...

Well not much has been happening in baby land. I went to the doctors on Tuesday and I was dilated 1 cm and he stripped my membranes and I went from 1 to a 2. On Wednesday I started losing my mucus plug (not that everyone wants to know that :) and I believe I lost the rest this morning. I have been having contractions but they are not consistent enough to go in. But I will expect in a few days that we might be able to hold little Seth John in our arms.

This week has been a little bit crazy...Mike and I met with a mortgage attorney on Monday to try and figure out to do with our house and then also we met with a probate attorney on Tuesday to get all of his dads things settled. Even though it has only been 2 weeks since his dad died the process to try and get things settled has been emotionally draining. Mike and I never thought that we would be doing stuff like this at 26 years old. But Mike and I have gained a lot of knowledge from this and we know that it is not an option for us to have a will or a trust. So that is one thing when this settles a little bit that we are going to do. We are going to have two little kids and if anything every happens to us both we need to have sometime because I do not want my little ones to go through stuff that could be avoided.

This weekend we are having a garage sale to get rid of some of his dads things and also our stuff so that we can start packing and finding a place to either rent or buy. As much as this garage sale is to just get rid of the little things in his dads house I expect that it could be very difficult. If you think of it please pray for Mike especially on Saturday when things of his dad could just be sold for nothing. I could not imagine but I think it would be very hard. Mike lived in that house for 12 years with his dad and nothing changed. There has to be so many memories that flood through your head and I know I can not give him the strength that our Father can so when you think of it please pray. Thanks :)

Well thanks everyone for all your offers to help us out and I just wanted you all to know that your prayers are greatly appreciated and definitely felt during this time.

Much LOVE!!


  1. What NO BABY!!!

    God knows the perfect timing or your new little guy. Praying for you this am.
