January 8, 2005 was one of the best days of my life. I became a Marinello. Michael and I met of student ministries at EVBC. We dated 3 years and 3 months till we actually got married and to me that felt like forever. "Opposites attract" I never understood that until I met Michael, we are both completely opposite but yet we complement each other so well.
The Wedding day was crazy and the night before I could not sleep at all! I had to be up and ready at the church by 6:30am. We all (bridesmaids and I) went to Scottsdale to get our hair done and they did an amazing job. After that we went straight to the church because we had to start getting ready since the wedding was at 2pm. Nicole did my make-up so we were the last ones to finally get ready and have our dresses on. The photographer got to ValVista Lakes around 12pm for us to get pictures done, and the girls were first. Mike and I did not want to see each other until I walked down the isle so we had to find a way to not see each other for the pictures. While getting pictures taken the photographer stepped on my dress which sent me into a panic but Nicole being the calm one fixed it without anyone knowing that it got stepped on. Another thing that happened that I did not find out about till after the wedding was, one of the bridesmaids put her bouquet on top of the car before getting in. The drove to the church and realized that they did not have the bouquet. They went back to ValVista Lakes where they found the bouquet but it got ran over by a car. I have no idea what they ended up doing to fix it but all 6 bridesmaids had their bouquet for the wedding :) Here are some pictures of the girls and guys.
The Wedding day was crazy and the night before I could not sleep at all! I had to be up and ready at the church by 6:30am. We all (bridesmaids and I) went to Scottsdale to get our hair done and they did an amazing job. After that we went straight to the church because we had to start getting ready since the wedding was at 2pm. Nicole did my make-up so we were the last ones to finally get ready and have our dresses on. The photographer got to ValVista Lakes around 12pm for us to get pictures done, and the girls were first. Mike and I did not want to see each other until I walked down the isle so we had to find a way to not see each other for the pictures. While getting pictures taken the photographer stepped on my dress which sent me into a panic but Nicole being the calm one fixed it without anyone knowing that it got stepped on. Another thing that happened that I did not find out about till after the wedding was, one of the bridesmaids put her bouquet on top of the car before getting in. The drove to the church and realized that they did not have the bouquet. They went back to ValVista Lakes where they found the bouquet but it got ran over by a car. I have no idea what they ended up doing to fix it but all 6 bridesmaids had their bouquet for the wedding :) Here are some pictures of the girls and guys.
All the girls...we are missing Bonnie

One of my favorites. I made all of the girls wear flip-flops that I made or actually decorated.

The flower girls!

All the little ones.
Aubrey, Justin, Me, Bryttany, and Courtney (Mike's sister)

Me with my dad

Me with my mom

All alone :)

All the guys

Another one of my favorites.

I love him!

Mike with his mom.

We got back to the church and had some food and relaxed till it was time to get down the isle. I had two friends sing in the wedding. They sang "Butterfly Kisses" "Amazing Love" and "You Alone" We had a slide show the played before we all walked down the isle that had pictures of Mike and I growing up and then pictures of us together. Then it was time to start. The bridesmaids and I walked down the isle to "Butterfly kisses" and in my mind I had certain area of the song that I wanted to go with the way we all walked down the isle. In the rehearsal it did not work out that way but the actual day it worked perfectly. My dad and I cried while walking and so did Mike, he was so cute.
We had a great wedding, I think the funniest thing was I did not get the right size ring for Mike, I mean I got what he said to get but it did not fit. We did not know this till I put the ring on him during the ceremony and I really push it on. After the wedding we went to the back room where we got ready and we tried to get it off. It was really on there but I got it off and during the reception he wore it but only up to his knuckle. We left the reception around 5pm and went straight to the place where I got Mike's ring and they ordered a bigger size and then they gave us a loner till we got back from our honeymoon. We had a great and wonderful wedding and Thank you to all of you who were in the wedding and all of those who helped make our day sooo very special! Below are some pictures from the rest of the beautiful day!

Introducing Mr. & Mrs. Michael Marinello

First Dance!

Father/Daughter Dance

Cutting the cake.

Getting ready to throw the bouquet.

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