On November 12, 2006 my precious little girl was born and now she is 4 years old! I can not believe that I have a 4 year old. She can make me laugh, cry, want to pull my hair out, scream, and kiss her all at once. She something else but man do we love her with everything we have!
On her birthday I took Seth to my moms around 11 so that I could just have some one on one time with my birthday girl. We headed out to the Phoenix Children's Museum where daddy met up with us when he was done with all of his work appointments. She loved the place. She has been there one time before but she was only 2 so this time she actually could do things and had a great time. Her favorite part was the grocery store and the kitchen. She was able to walk around and put groceries into her cart and then check out and pay for them and she also got to make us food. She also got to play with the race cars, make us fake ice-cream cones, run through the noodle forest, and play with some sand art table thing :) She would have stayed all day long if we did have to go get a late lunch. She had so much fun and I think I really need to take her back when it is not a Friday because there were at least 3 different schools there doing field trips.

We then let her pick where she wanted to eat lunch and of course she wanted to go to the WONDERFUL Red Robin! I love that place and as so does she. She loves the freckled lemonade and especially the strawberries inside and of course she gets a balloon when we eat there so thats enough for her :)
We then headed over to build a bear and let her build her own something and we also had a 10 dollar off coupon so it worked out pretty good and she didnt want any clothes so that was even better :) She picked out the girl reindeer and the heart lights up when you press the foot. Mike and I recorded our voice and stuck it in there as well :)
Then off to get her some cotton candy and man was she in heaven. She loves this stuff but yet will never eat it all. Maybe 6 bites and then she is done but it was so funny watching her eat it all by herself. We have only gotten her cotton candy from Disneyland and I HAVE to eat majority of it so I normally just pull pieces off for her but this time she got the whole thing to her self.
I would have to say that she had a great birthday! I have some other pictures from my camera not my phone that for some reason were not uploaded in the computer of her opening her birthday gifts. She got some books, a movie, and of course the white walking dog that she has wanted for her birthday for the past 2 months. We let her open all her gifts and when she had nothing else she was so sad that she did not have the one thing she wanted...then out came daddy with the LAST gift and she could not contain herself she was so excited. I wish I would have gotten it on video she was so cute.
Sydney Nevaeh Marinello
November 12, 2006 @ 5:59pm
4 crazy years later!