So this past week we had two appointments a hearing test and an eye exam. I was totally not worried about the hearing test because he has super sonic hearing and jumps at everything but the neurologist wanted it check so we did. So on Wednesday we went to have his hearing checked out and he passed that totally fine. It was a long morning though, we had to make sure that he was sleeping through the whole test and that was a little hard to do because he is not at home and in his bed plus he had things in his ears and all over his head. Anyways, the doctor wants to see him back every three months until he is two and then he can start going every six months.
I also have known for a little while that Seth does not have the best vision. He does not focus very well at all. I know that he can see but he really struggles to focus and actually keep the focus. I have been really struggling with his eye sight because I kept thinking what happens if his eyes are perfectly fine, then what? Well about two days before his appointment I read about something called CVI which I thought it my head explained Seth. It has to do the the brain not the vision and they describe his vision like looking through swiss cheese, and when you are diagnosed CVI you are considered legally blind. So we went to his eye appointment on Friday and for some reason it was a totally insane day for the doctors and we did not even get seen by them until over an hour of our appointment time. Anyways, the doctor looked at his eyes and there is nothing wrong with them. As of right now he does not need glasses, surgery, or patchwork. The doctor tried to get him to focus and he was not really able to do it. He said it is most likely developmental and that there is nothing wrong with the eyes themselves. When the doctor says that the issue will be developmental he means it has to do with the brain. Seth's optic nerve is small. When I see my eye takes a picture and sends it back to the brain using the optic nerve and I can see a clear picture. With Seth the transmission back to the brain does not send a clear picture. That is exactly what I did not want to hear! I wanted his issue to be something that can be fixed but its not. So the doctor wants to see him back in 6 months for a normal check-up.
If you think about it please pray for Seth and for me. I am having a hard time with this news and I just want things to be amazing for my little muffin.
Much Love!
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. (Psalm 139:13-16)
Saturday, October 31, 2009
A little update.
Uncle Tom left on the 26th and since then we have had a hearing test for Seth and an eye exam. The hearing came back totally normal and they want to see him every 3 months until he is 2 and then every 6 months after that. The eye exam was the hard one. I have known for a while that Seth has had some eye issues I just did not know what they were. He just does not focus really well and when he does majority of the time its while looking at lights. So we had the eye appointment on Friday and I was hoping that they would say he just needs some glasses. And of course that is not what happened. His eyes are perfect. The eyes themselves are not the problem. It is a developmental issue which means involving the brain. This might get better over time but if not then we will have to talk with the neurologist about what is really going on and if he can see or how we help him out. His optic nerve from the eye to the brain is smaller than it should be. For example when I see something my eye takes a picture of whatever and sends it back to the brain and then I can see totally clear...Seth transmission from the eye to the brain is not giving him a clear picture. We are not sure what he is seeing, we know he can see but we just don't know if he is seeing double, or blurry, or what but it will take some time before we find that out. The doctor did mention CVI but we again will not know for sure if that is his issue until we know how the brain is going to develop. It was really hard for me to hear that. That was the one thing that I did not want to hear. I would have rather they told me he just needs glasses and we can get him back on track, but when it is involving his brain there is nothing that they can do. When they said that a flood of emotion came back to me and I again was thinking how could I have done this to my precious little boy. We will go back to the eye doc in about 6 months just for a normal check up.
Next week I have his 4 month old check-up and he will be getting some shots which will be great fun. I also have a brain scan that I have to take Seth to on Tuesday and they will monitor his brain activity for about an hour and see if he is going to be prone to seizure activity and what we can or need to do about it. The neurologist will call me a day after the test to let me know the results. Please pray that everything will be perfectly normal!
Here are a few picture that we took while we were at the pumpkin patch with the kids and uncle Tom and just some everyday stuff around the house.

Next week I have his 4 month old check-up and he will be getting some shots which will be great fun. I also have a brain scan that I have to take Seth to on Tuesday and they will monitor his brain activity for about an hour and see if he is going to be prone to seizure activity and what we can or need to do about it. The neurologist will call me a day after the test to let me know the results. Please pray that everything will be perfectly normal!
Here are a few picture that we took while we were at the pumpkin patch with the kids and uncle Tom and just some everyday stuff around the house.
My little kiddos
Mike loves Christmas so I found these PJ's and he just had to try the out and get a picture when them on.

So this past week Seth turned 4 months old and I decided that I would try out some solid food. Sydney hated rice cereal and we only did it for about a week and then I went straight into carrots. So this time I just wanted to see if he would even eat the rice cereal. I think he liked the idea of having something else in his mouth rather than formula but I do not think he was the biggest fan of the cereal. Next week I am going to try carrots and see how he does with that. Here are a few pictures of his first experience with some food.
Not sure what to think of it
Thursday, October 22, 2009
I can not believe that my little boy is already 4 months old. He is such a happy, precious, adorable, big boy! He is already in 9-12 month clothing and last week he weighed 17 pounds. I don't think I will ever have small babies :) Seth's smile makes my heart melt.
He loves to be in the air and get kisses.
He is smiling so big that I thought a laugh might come out.
Uncle Tom flew in on Friday and we have just been spending some time with him. Saturday was My dads birthday and John's birthday. Mike went hiking with Tom and a few others to celebrate his dads birthday and then had a BBQ with them. I went to my dads with the kids so that we could celebrate his birthday too. We ended up going to Joe's BBQ so that he could get his free birthday meal. We had a great time just hanging out and the kids did great until the ride home when they both fell asleep. Sunday, we went out to breakfast together and then for dinner went to my mother-in-laws house for dinner. Monday and Tuesday we just hung out at the house and Monday I got to go and see a movie with my mom and Mike stayed home with the kids. Today we have the developmental specialist coming to the house and then sometime after that we are going to the pumpkin patch. I think that Sydney will have a great time and I just hope Seth does not freak out otherwise I might have to come home earlier. I got a few cute pictures of the kids together and I love the outfits they are wearing, I think they are so adorable!
She loves being able to hold and sit with Seth.
I think Seth had a hard time trying to focus on me cause I could not get him to look at me at all.
Giving some kisses.
Please if you get a chance pray for some decisions that I have to make regarding Seth. They have to do with circumcising him and the kidney reflux surgery. I would not like him to have two surgeries if we can do both of them at the same time. I am just having a really hard time understanding the doctors and what they want to do vs what is best for Seth. So I just need to really sit down and figure out what the best thing is for my boy.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Weird Days
I am not a fan of weird days, or even weird weeks. This week has been a little strange and I am not exactly sure why but it was just weird. Actually I could just say it was an off week. Not a ton of things going on but yet still a little off. Anyways enough of that.
Uncle Tom flew in yesterday and is staying with us for about 10 days. Today was my dad's birthday and also John, Mike's dad. I went over to my parents this morning to hang out and spend time with then and we went to Joe's BBQ so that my dad could get his free lunch. Mike and Uncle Tom went to hike superstition mountain and spread his dads ashes. I ended up not going because hiking with two kids is really not something that I felt like doing. So after he did the hike he went with Uncle Tom to a BBQ and they hung out all together and had some good laughs and memories about his dad.
Tomorrow I think we are going to go out for breakfast but before that I am going to work out with Lisa in the morning because we really need to get into shape, well at least I do, I already think she looks great but that just me. The rest of the week we are going to be hanging out with Tom and trying to do a few things together as a family before he has to go back home. We want to go to the zoo one day and also to the pumpkin patch sometime.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Some new pictures
Here are a few pictures over the past few weeks. Seth is 16 weeks and he is so big people alway think he is 6-9 months old because of how big he really is. At the doctors on Tuesday he was 17 pounds. He is a huge muffin :)
Seth at 14 weeks
Its so crazy to think in one month my little girl is going to be 3 years old. I can not believe how big she is!
MacCallum Fun...
So in my last post I mentioned that on Tuesday I had the MacCallum kiddos while Matt and Lisa went up to the Voss cabin to do a few things.
I love how Sydney, Topher, and Lorelai play together, it is so much fun to watch. I love how Sydney and Topher at one moment can be the best of friends and then the next they are fighting over something as dumb as a rock. I love these kids and I had so much fun hanging out with them all day. Here are a few pictures of the craziness and for some reason the pictures did not turn out that great I think I had the focus screwed up for some reason!
I love how Sydney, Topher, and Lorelai play together, it is so much fun to watch. I love how Sydney and Topher at one moment can be the best of friends and then the next they are fighting over something as dumb as a rock. I love these kids and I had so much fun hanging out with them all day. Here are a few pictures of the craziness and for some reason the pictures did not turn out that great I think I had the focus screwed up for some reason!
Two peas in a pod
I did have Lorelai but for some reason she was not outside while I was havin some fun taking pictures, she was inside watching a movie.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Last Thursday the developmental specialist came by but Seth was sleeping so we did not wake him. We just got the chance to meet each other and figure out how this is going to work. Since Seth is considered an "at risk" child she will be coming to our house every Thursday for now. Irene seems very nice and sweet and so far I really like her. So this coming Thursday I am just going to have to make sure Seth is awake so that she can actually meet him and they can spend some time together.
This Sunday Seth woke up with a fever and was just not quite himself and sleeping a lot. I knew something was up but I wanted to wait it out just in case he did have a virus. Monday he still had his fever but nothing different in the way he was acting until last night when he just would not sleep for me. I knew he was not comfortable but there was nothing that I could do for him. He did not want to eat and he did not want to fall asleep even though he was sooo very tired. Today (Tuesday) I had the MacCallum kiddos and I love watching them. They are such good and wonderful kids. But my plan was not at all to take Seth to the doctor but when he peed in his diaper this afternoon and there was mucus in his diaper I knew sometime was up since this was the second time it happened since Sunday. So I called and got the next appointment and thankfully Mike was home and could watch all 5 kids while I take him to the doc. He ended up having another UTI! Are you serious??? His third one and he is only three months old. I am not the type of person that runs myself or my kids to the doctors unless I know that they need to go or they are really sick. And its really frustrating when Seth gets fevers because if he did not have reflux I would just wait it out because I would know that he is just fighting a virus but with Seth I can't do that. Anytime he has a fever I need to go in and make sure he does not have a UTI because then serious damage can be done to the kidney's. I can not wait for the day he has a fever and I can just give him some over the counter medicine and not freak out that he might have a UTI.
The 28th Seth has his 2 hour hearing test and then on the 30th he has his eye exam. I will let you know what the results are on those once I find out! Thanks again for everyone who is and was praying for my little muffin.
This Sunday Seth woke up with a fever and was just not quite himself and sleeping a lot. I knew something was up but I wanted to wait it out just in case he did have a virus. Monday he still had his fever but nothing different in the way he was acting until last night when he just would not sleep for me. I knew he was not comfortable but there was nothing that I could do for him. He did not want to eat and he did not want to fall asleep even though he was sooo very tired. Today (Tuesday) I had the MacCallum kiddos and I love watching them. They are such good and wonderful kids. But my plan was not at all to take Seth to the doctor but when he peed in his diaper this afternoon and there was mucus in his diaper I knew sometime was up since this was the second time it happened since Sunday. So I called and got the next appointment and thankfully Mike was home and could watch all 5 kids while I take him to the doc. He ended up having another UTI! Are you serious??? His third one and he is only three months old. I am not the type of person that runs myself or my kids to the doctors unless I know that they need to go or they are really sick. And its really frustrating when Seth gets fevers because if he did not have reflux I would just wait it out because I would know that he is just fighting a virus but with Seth I can't do that. Anytime he has a fever I need to go in and make sure he does not have a UTI because then serious damage can be done to the kidney's. I can not wait for the day he has a fever and I can just give him some over the counter medicine and not freak out that he might have a UTI.
The 28th Seth has his 2 hour hearing test and then on the 30th he has his eye exam. I will let you know what the results are on those once I find out! Thanks again for everyone who is and was praying for my little muffin.
So Sunday Seth started getting another fever. I decided to wait it out as long as I could and I lasted until Tuesday afternoon.
I took him into the doctor and he does indeed have another UTI. I can not describe how frustrating it is to have him sick again. This is his third one and he is three months old....REALLY??? Come on now lets get this under control. Dr. Seitter is going to culture the urine and then get back to me if the antibiotic that he is on for the next 10 days will kill the infection. Then he is making a call to the urologist to see what the next steps will be since what we are doing now is not stopping them!
I took him into the doctor and he does indeed have another UTI. I can not describe how frustrating it is to have him sick again. This is his third one and he is three months old....REALLY??? Come on now lets get this under control. Dr. Seitter is going to culture the urine and then get back to me if the antibiotic that he is on for the next 10 days will kill the infection. Then he is making a call to the urologist to see what the next steps will be since what we are doing now is not stopping them!
Monday, October 5, 2009
This week...
Well I am happy to report that I have no new from any doctors this week so I guess in this case no news is good news :)
This Thursday we have our first meeting with the Developmental Specialist (DS) at 2pm. We will be meeting with her every Thursday for a long time. Maybe after 6 months we will go to 2x a month but that all depends on Seth. His specialists name is Irene and as far as I can tell from the few minutes on the phone she is a crack up.
October 28th Seth will have a hearing test. The test will be about two hours long and he has to remain asleep during the whole test. So if he wakes up in the middle of it I need to get him back to sleep so that they can finish the test. Its at 10am and I need to do whatever it takes to make him sleep so if thats keep him up for 2-4 hours and withhold food from him until we get to the test...thats what i gotta do. So that day is going to be a blast to say the least.
Sometime this week I am suppose to hear from the neurologist about his brain scan and when that will happen. Thanks everyone that has been praying for my little guy!
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