On Sunday was Father's Day, so Sunday morning was our normal routine and then we just spent the afternoon together as a family and then in the evening I took Michael out for dinner at his favorite place which is Joe's Crab Shack. We had a great dinner and enjoyed the time together. Here is Sydney and Michael in the pool together. Sydney loves her time with daddy and I know he enjoys every minute spent with his little syd bears. So that was our Father's Day in a nut shell.
On Tuesday I spent most of the day at home with Sydney while Mike was working and ran a few errands like to the grocery store and target.
Then on Wednesday we went to Mike's moms house for dinner and we swimming in the pool. Sydney absolutely loves the pool and would stay in there for hours if we let her. She tries so hard to swim and she loves to be thrown in the water to me or Mike. Mike's mom also has a trampoline which Sydney loves to be on so we sprayed it down with some water to cool it off and she spent her time between jumping and swimming. It was a great afternoon and evening.
Here are is picture of Sydney this week walking around the house with her baby stuff. Here favorite thing is pushing the baby in the stroller. It is so amazing the stuff that they do at such a young age. As soon as we bought her the baby stuff she was feeding the baby with a bottle, rocking it to sleep and putting the baby in the crib, giving the baby a pacifier, and pushing it in the stroller. She is so much fun to watch and see all the new things that she learns each day!