On Friday morning I headed over to Lisa's house to watch her kiddos so that she could finish making Sydney's Birthday cake. Now let me first say that Lisa would not want me to say this but I am going to anyways..."If you ever need a birthday cake made she can make the best ones ever...and let me tell you they taste AMAZING!" Just ask anyone that was at the party! So I spent a few hours there and then went to my parents house to be there when the Jumping party drops off the bouncing stuff for Syd's party.
Around 5:00 I think it was Lisa and Matt brought their kids over to my parents house so that we could watch them while Matt took Lisa out for her birthday! We had so much fun watching their kids because they are such good kids and also they are so much fun. Majority of the time they were outside jumping on the bounce house or going down the slide. We ordered pizza for dinner and the kids ate that up and spent a lot of time upstairs playing the the play room. Caitie and I spent most of the time with Ezra their youngest who is so much fun :) Matt and Lisa came to get their kids around 7:30 but of course we had to show them my brothers sugar gliders which all of them were in love with!
Saturday came and it was Party time! Sydney spent the night at my parents house Friday so I just headed over there early Saturday morning. I helped my dad move all of the junk off the patio and help get all the chairs out there for people to sit. I then had to run a few errands so that I had everything for the party. I first went to walmart to get my dad and Mike some lunch, then off to Sams club to get fruit and then to the store to get some ice. I got back to my parents house just ask Mike was arriving which was nice so that he could help out with some of the stuff. Around 1:30 the MacCallum's arrived and thank the Lord for that. I was behind already especially since I was still in my lounge clothes. Lisa set up the cake, got the chips, cheese, and the fruit, and the dip all ready while I was trying to help and get ready. Then we went to the store to get some more stuff to make more dip, because the guys were eating all the dip before the party even started. 3:00pm came by so fast and everyone was here for a fun time of food and bouncing outside. Around 4:30 we did the cake and ice-cream and the cake was AMAZING like I already said earlier :) Everyone was almost cleared out by 5:30 except the MacCallum's who stayed and helped clean up...you guys are amazing! Lisa did all of the dishes and packed up all of the food so that I did not have to do it. The kids played outside until the people came to pick up the bounce houses. Here are some pictures of the party!
Here is Monk-Monk (what will be Syd's cake)
Here is the cake!
So adorable!!
Again Lisa did a great job.
Topher and Sydney playing
Avie and Sydney
Lorelai helping Syd blow out her candles!
Syd and Dad I am not sure what we are doing in the picture but oh well
Avie eating the yummy cake!
James going down the slide
Topher trying to get in the house...
One of my favorite pictures! They are so cute...and like Lisa said there is some serious conversation going on here!
Topher and James wanting some cake!
Avie, Kenzie, and Sydney playing with the dog!

We had a blast, thanks to all of you who came and lathered my daughter with wonderful gifts. She is so spoiled but we still love her. And THANKS again for all of you who helped and brought wonderful food for the party!